Proof Of Join Consensus
To distribute blocks amongst the miners we have created a new consensus mechanism called Proof of Join consensus. PoJ will serve as a block distribution and miner organizing mechanism.
Its purpose is to organize and rank miners by the time they have joined the network, place them in a queue and based on the order, allocate them the blocks to be validated. If a miner is offline at the time of the allocation, it will get ruled out of the queue, the block will be allocated to the next miner in line and it has to reconnect to the network and will be put to the end of the queue.
The transaction validation on the ADME blockchain occurs in Rounds. When the network initially launches the PoJ consensus organizes the miners in a queue by the time they joined. Then it distributes the blocks to the miners one by one, until the list miner in the queue gets to validate a block, which will be the end of the round. Once it happens the cycle will start again and the first miner in the queue starts the next round by validating a block.
New miners will be added to the last position in the queue. Since the ADME blockchain is permissioned, there will be no disagreement in the order amongst the miners, as the new ones will always be put to the end of the line. It works as the picture shows below in the PoJ section: